Sunday, September 04, 2005

Day 3 after the conference
Went on a train from Agra to Delhi, and then to Mumbai(distance 1500 km). We got a ticket to an overnight express, first class for 30 euro 1500 RS. We got 3 free meals and nice service.
Day 4 ATC
We arrived at Mumbai, and realised this is a real city. Delhi is prety much an junkyard, with people bothering you all the time trying to get money or sell you something, roads are made of dirt, and cowshit is all around. Taksies rip you off at every corner. Still very cheap even when they overcharge. Here there are actuall streets, big buildings, civilised people and everything you can imagine, of course this results in higher prices.


Anonymous said...

vas dvoje ste takve budale da cu se ja upisat od smjeha, koji ste vi ludjaci, vidim ja da bi vama trenutno u new orleansu bilo do jaja, tamo je cak veci kaos neg u indiji, hurry up sa fresh newsima

Anonymous said...

pa nemrem vjerovati...
fakat ste ludi...
dobro da mozhete toliko piti da se lako uklapate u ekipe...
su vam vech kaj ukrali? :o)
lijepa zabava momci...