3x butter nan (breadlike thingies)...................3x7Rs(1kn)
1x brain and tomato masala...............................25Rs(3.5kn)
1x egg masala........................................................19Rs(2.5kn)
1x mutton fry........................................................22Rs(3kn)
2x coca-cola.......................................................2x12Rs(1.7kn)
Total......................................................111Rs(16kn)Ok this post will be a general description of India just to paint the picture of the overall experience.
When you get of any transportation in a city station, plane, train etc. there are a bunch of people there trying to convince you to go to their hotel, go with their taxi, or buy some other tickets from some kind of travel agent from who they recieve commission. India is not a country where you get robbed forcefully, they will rob you with a smile. If you are new in India you will probably think that giving 10-15 euro for a taxi is ok, but in reality it costs about 1-1.5 euro. See the difference? If a taxi or a riksa drives you to a hotel they will charge you more at the hotel and the driver will get a commision. Same goes for buying suveniers. The hotels here are ok for their price. Cheaper hotels have bathroom, tv, and air condition, and of course several roommates(really big bugs). They cost about 20 euro per room. Nice and fancy hotel cost about 33 euro and is really great. In india you can always eat at restaurants, I have been eating such great stuff every day for breakfest, lunch and dinner that i dont know how will I adapt to Croatia.
Some prices: breakfast-delicious egg omlette, toast with buter and jam, and drink(juice or pepsi) all togather 0.8-1.0 euro.
lunch really good Indian or chinnese food(much better than in Croatia) and drink 1.0-1.5 euro
In India we are acctually rich people, me and mirko went to the fancyest restaurant in town, they have incredible sea food, they bring the lobster, or crab still alive for you to pick and everything, and the price was about 17 euro per person. The only problem is that the cealling was really low like 1.7 m so we had to do the limbo trough the entire restaurant.
We are mostly eating that cheap food because it is really good.
Also in India, alcohol is kind of taboo, when people buy it, they usually hide it and carry it home to drink. It is considered mostly for lower class. Also Indians have to have a permit to drink alcohol. When we were on the train to Mumbai this guy mixed water and wisky, it was really funny to see how he hides the bottle behind him and take carefull sips, glancing around if anyone will see him. He dindn t even offer us some, not very nice of him. On the way back with the train we plan to bring a big botle and a few shot glasses and show them how its done.
Some other things, in India they cut out sex scenes out of movies, if youi hug a girl in public you can acctually be arrested it is even forbidden to hold hands. The interesting things is that here all the men here hold hends(thats not illegal), think there are a lot of gay people, even though beeing gay is illegal I saw two cops at the train station, first one guy was massaging ther other guys chest, I was thinking this Indian people take their frienship too far, but then the other guy grabbed his balls I think they were more than good friends.
Tere are many different people in India, there are a lot of good fair people, but you are always suspicious becouse of the bad ones. We met this guy who showed us directtions and didnt try to scam us in any way, acutally he has even been to former Yugoslavia, and said that Delhi is picka materina, after he said that he earned our trust.
And something about aiesec people, they are mostly higher class very nice people simmilar to us, well maybe a little more polite, when it comes to street hagling balkans rule.