Wednesday, September 07, 2005

We contacted the Aiesec Mumbai crew and hang out with them yesterday, they are really nice, and we will be hanging out with them today as well. In the evening we went to see their AIESEC office, and guess what, as soon as you step out of the office, there is a pool there. They have a poolside office at the health center, they also have a small gym 30 m away. I am sure miro and the bodybuilding team would be really happy with an office like that. We invited them to have breakfast with us at the crappy place where we eat(we are probably the first europeans to set foot in that place) because they have the best food, but the indian people said they dont eat at places like that, because they have weak stomacks and could make them sick. Everyone was warning me about diareaa and stuff, and now it apperas we are much more resiliant than the locals. Let me just tell you all the scary stories you heared about India are simply bullshit, when I come back I will tell you what India is really like, and let me tell you it is a really nice country. The only problem with malaria is the anti-malaria tablets which make you sick like hell and I am not taking them anymore. Now is early morning, and we have people to see and places to visit. Check in later for an update.
Also a little map, showing aour past(red line) and future(blue line) travels
P.S. Thanks shefica for the promotion on AIESEC .net

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